At least 11 dead in twin suicide bombing in Cameroon

bomb-blastAt least 11 people were killed when two female suicide bombers blew themselves up near an army camp at Fotokol in troubled northern Cameroon, a local security source said Monday.

A police source in the region confirmed a double attack had taken place on Sunday but was unable to give a precise death toll.

Northern Cameroon, like Nigeria, Chad and Niger, has been hit in bloody attacks by the Islamist group Boko Haram.

The explosions occurred 50 metres (yards) apart within a few seconds of each other, near a camp of Cameroon’s Rapid Intervention Battalion, according to the source in Fotokol.

“I counted 12 bodies,” including one of the bombers, the source said.

Cameroonian and Chadian troops, who are deployed in Fotokol under the programme to fight Boko Haram, deployed around Fotokol “and killed an Islamist,” the source added.

