At Sallah, Kogi, Jigawa, Benue, monarch preach unity, sacrifice, hope, obedience

Governor Ahmed Usman Ododo atb the praying ground on Sunday. Photo:Tribune
Governor Ahmed Usman Ododo at the praying ground on Sunday. Photo:Tribune

Governor Ahmed Usman Ododo has said despite the challenging times in Kogi State and the country, the people must work together to build a more prosperous, harmonious and inclusive country and state.

Speaking shortly after observing the Eid prayers in his country home at Okene, the governor urged Nigerians to reflect on the spirit of the Sallah celebration to sacrifice more in the name of Allah, and commit to actions that uplift the state and country in whatever little ways they can.

He said: “As a government, we are committed to protecting lives and property, and promoting social welfare by delivering dividends of democracy to enhance the living conditions of the people at all times.

“Let us be security-conscious and engage in consistent watch over our neighbourhoods and be prepared to report any suspicious activity to law enforcement agents who are present in all our communities.”

He noted that the celebration was to mark the unwavering faith and obedience of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) to Allah’s command to give his most treasured possession, his son, Ismail (AS) as a means of showing gratitude to Allah.

“This period is a reminder to us all of the importance of sacrifice, devotion, and compassion as a people.

“As we celebrate this Sallah, let us remember that the essence of the sacrifice goes beyond the ritual of killing animals and the feast with our families and friends.

“It is a call on us to imbibe the virtues of selflessness, charity, and unity in our daily lives as Kogites.

“Let us use this opportunity to reach out to those in needs, extend a helping hand to our neighbours, and strengthen the bonds of our communal living and love as a people,” Adodo added.

Also speaking, the Ohinoyi of Ebiraland, Muhammed Anaje, who commended the governor for his focus and commitment to security of life and property, enjoined the people to be law-abiding and respect constituted authority all time.

The monarch prayed for a peaceful state and country, assuring that the current hardship in Nigeria will soon be a thing of the past.
TO Governor Umar Namadi of Jigawa State, the prevailing harsh economic realities in the land hold a better future for the state and Nigeria in general.

In a statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Hamisu Mohammed Gumel, the governor said: “Our administration is committed to executing programes and initiatives that aim to enhance our people’s quality of life. We are working tirelessly to enhance the economic status of our people, thereby reducing the level of poverty among our citizens.”

Namadi, in his Sallah message to the citizens, told them that, “this blessed occasion reminds us of the values of sacrifice, endurance, and devotion to Allah.”

Also, his Benue counterpart, Hyacinth Alia, in his goodwill message, charged Muslims to exhibit love, sacrifice and tolerance.

In the message issued yesterday in Makurdi, the governor pointed out that love, sacrifice, tolerance and unity were virtues encapsulated in the teachings of Prophet Mohammed.

He urged the faithful to continue to pray and support his administration and that of the Bola Tinubu-led Federal Government, as they strive hard to fulfill their electoral mandate to the people.

While admitting the prevailing economic downturn in the country, Alia, however expressed optimism that the country would overcome its challenges.
IN a similar vein, the Etsu Nupe and Chairman of Niger State Council of Traditional Rulers, Dr Yahaya Abubakar, has implored Muslims to emulate Prophet Ibrahim’s virtues of sacrifice, obedience and submissiveness to the will of Allah to be successful in life.

He gave the advice in his Sallah message to Muslim Ummah in his domain and Nigerians in general to mark the Eid-el-Adhah celebration at the Eid praying ground in Bida yesterday.

The royal father observed: “Today’s (yesterday) celebration is a commemoration of total submissiveness and obedience to the will of Allah, as exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail.

“It is also a lesson on the virtue of keeping our promises to Allah and to our fellow man.

“Prophet Ibrahim made a vow to sacrifice his son to Allah, and when it was time to fulfill the promise, he didn’t back out. That is a strong virtue worthy of emulation.
“It was in appreciation of that gesture that Allah converted what would have been a human sacrifice to that of a sheep,”

The monarch advised Muslims to shun societal ills and endeavour always to do good for the betterment of all.
He also implored ‘Muslim Ummah’ in his kingdom and the country at large to reflect on the significance of the celebration, which bordered on encouraging piety, sacrifice and love, without which, according to him, no state or society could advance.

Abubakar appealed to wealthy individuals in the country to assist the less privileged, to enable all and sundry to celebrate Eid-el-Kabir with ease.

He said: “God has endowed wealth on people not for themselves and their immediate families, but for the benefit of entire society.

“The present socio-economic predicament that we are facing requires such assistance from well-to-do individuals in the country.”
The monarch charged faithful to pray to God to assist President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, other elected and appointed leaders to overcome both the current economic meltdown and security challenges bedeviling the country.

The Emir also advised the people of his Emirate to always monitor the movements of their children, to stem the habit of drug abuse that is rampant among the youths

The royal father also prayed for successful hajj and safe return of all pilgrims from Saudi Arabia.


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