Athletes in high spirit ahead AFN’s national trials in Benin city

AFN Technical Director Samuel Onikeku

The Athletics Federation of Nigeria (AFN) says foreign-based athletes are showing huge interest for the National Olympic Trials scheduled to hold in Benin, Edo State from June 16 to 18.

AFN Technical Director Samuel Onikeku told AFN Media in Ghana during the just concluded Confederation of African Athletics (CAA) Region 2 championship that athletes have shown their enthusiasm towards the National Trials.

The AFN National Trials will serve as selection of the nation’s athletes for both the Senior Africa Athletics Championships holding between June 21 and 28 in Douala, Cameroun and the Paris 2024 Olympics.

“All the athletes are very enthusiastic to come home to run, as AFN have a standing rule in selecting athletes after the Trials,” Onikeku explained.

The Technical Director further emphasised that the AFN has zero tolerance when it comes to selecting members of Team Nigeria Athletics.

“We have athletes that have already met the Olympic Games qualifying standard and many are yet to qualify. That is why the AFN Paris Olympic Trials and CAA Senior Athletics Championships in Cameroun is crucial.”

Onikeku stated that after the two competitions in Benin City, Edo State and Douala in Cameroun, Team Nigeria athletes will hit Paris in style.

On Nigeria’s athletes performance in Ghana, Onikeku said: “The Federation was impressed with their performance and it is our wish their form stays beyond the Olympics.”


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