Atiku urges Enugu to join mainstream politics for economic prosperity, promises development if elected

Atiku Abubakar speaks at the PDP rally in Enugu.

The presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar, has urged the Enugu people to enter the mainstream of Nigerian politics in order to enjoy prosperity, economic development, peace, and security.

Atiku also insisted that he’s the stepping stone to a future Igbo presidency.

Speaking at the PDP presidential campaign rally in Enugu on Tuesday, Atiku said: “Whoever says there is no PDP in Enugu is not saying the truth; there is PDP in Enugu, and Enugu has been PDP from inception, is still PDP today, and will continue to be PDP.

“When I came here few months ago to attend a zonal conference of the South-East, I said to the Igbos, I am going to be the Stepping stone to the Igbo presidency. And I mean it.

“Whether an Igbo man is from the South-East or South-South, it is the same race and today my running mate is an Igbo man. It is a universal ethnic group, it is a universal race.

“So, my fellow brothers and sisters, the people of Enugu State, I want you to continue believing and I want you to continue supporting the PDP because PDP is Enugu and Enugu is PDP.

“I want to let you know that this country is geared towards electing a PDP government, do not be an exception and do not be a minority. The next government is going to be formed by the PDP.

“Therefore as you have always been, be in the mainstream of Nigerian politics because that is the only way that can bring about the prosperity, economic development, the peace and the security you are looking for in this part of the country and the country in general.”

He, however, appreciated the people of Enugu state for turning up in great numbers to attend the rally, adding, “we promise you Enugu State will continue to receive the required attention it has always received.”
Also speaking, the National Chairman of the party, Senator Iyorcha Ayu, said that voting All Progressives Congress (APC) will not solve the problem of Nigeria.

He urged Nigerians to vote for PDP to continue all that they have been doing, adding that the governorship candidate of PDP in Enugu, Peter Mbah will develop and work hand-in-hand with Atiku Abubakar.

“In the next eleven days Atiku Abubakar will emerge as your next president with Ifeanyi Okowa as his vice-presidential candidate. I want to assure you that immediately after that, the next governor will be Mr Peter Mbah,” he said.



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