Atmosphere For Miracles (2)

image source mendourmarriage
image source mendourmarriage

WE pray for miracles. We counsel people to pray and ask for the will of God before they go into marriage.

But do people know that for certain issues there is a right kind of prayer? The things you ask for matters a lot. You might as well get what you ask for.

So, today we shall be looking at what to pray for. Solomon asked God for wisdom and God gave him riches, honour and protection.

If you want a miracle, what do you ask from God? (Matthew 7 vs. 7) “…Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask BREAD, will he give him a STONE?”

I emphasised BREAD and STONE in that scripture because I want you to learn how to ask for a miracle in marriage and the way God works.

If you ask for BREAD, God will not give you a STONE. Some people ask for money, comfort and pleasure in marriage. They think they really need bread to satisfy a hunger. That was the trick of the devil. He tempted Jesus to turn stone to bread when he was hungry.

Many times when the urge for sex and pleasure comes, we think that is what marriage is all about. Sex is significantly dominant in the cause of marriage, but is certainly not the only thing.

The security, happiness and pleasure we need, in a way, can be got outside marriage. We see that everyday. Most people do not even like to stay in a marriage any longer, because it restricts them. You are asking for bread!

Is a stone a bad thing to ask? The Bible says the stone the builders reject has become the foundation stone. This is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. Miracle is the Lord’s doing.

It will really surprise you what God can do with that your husband you think is dumb, hard and indifferent, or that wife you think is totally unreceptive to knowledge and ideas. (Luke 20 vs. 17 – 18).

What are stones for? It is for building. Families are built. Whatever people will enjoy will be worked on. Anything you enjoy without earning is a trap; it can’t last.

Love is built. If you need to build a strong family, don’t ask for bread, immediate pleasure or satisfaction.

Stones are used to build things that will last. I told us in the last edition that the Bible refers to people as stones most times. Not everyone is a stone.

God told Moses to write the words of the law in a table of stones (Deut. 27 vs. 8), so that it would be preserved. When you imprint on them, the impression lasts.

There is a difference between being a stone and being stony. A stony heart is not a good one. Stony means difficult, heady and tough. I told us last edition that stones can be broken, but a stony heart needs a transplant. Only God can do that too.

But there are lively stones (I Pet. 2 vs. 5). There are precious stones (1 Kings 10 vs. 2; 2 Sam 12 vs. 30, I Chron. 29 vs. 2).

Stones are noted for their constancy, strength and immovableness in all the storms of life.

When a stone is reduced to bread, it won’t serve its cause. It is seen as unfortunate experience. They just eat up until you are gone. That is what happens to the man who visits prostitutes. He or she sees you as a piece of bread; something to satisfy the sexual urge with.

“For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread” (Prov. 6 vs. 26).

Stones can carry water. In the Bible days, water pots were made of stones. I still have one in our family house, and the water kept in it is usually very cold. (John 2 vs. 6). Real satisfying water that tasted like wine when it was drawn out.
(To be continued next week)

E. C. Samuel
Intimate Faith Ministry
08027173447 (SMS only)

