Author, Emmanuel Smart shares secrets to product success at Texas event

Emmanuel SmartBestselling author Emmanuel Smart shared his secrets to product success at a packed event in Plano, Texas on Tuesday, June 27, 2023. The event was organized in partnership with Rotary Club of Plano West and was attended by business owners, college students, and members of the Plano Independent School District Board of Trustees, including Katherine Chan Goodwin.

Smart spoke passionately about his long and painful journey of discovering the secret to product success: making what customers want. He noted that many businesses fail because they create products that they think customers want, but that are not actually in demand. He urged participants to focus on learning what customers truly want, and to always test their products before launching them.

“The most important thing is to understand your customer,” Smart said. “What are their needs? What are their pain points? Once you understand that, you can start to create products that they will actually want to use.”
Smart also stressed the importance of testing products before launching them. “It’s not enough to just think you know what your customers want,” he said. “You need to test your products with real customers to make sure they’re actually solving a problem.”

Smart’s insights were well-received by the audience, who were eager to learn more about how to create successful products. The event was a valuable opportunity for attendees to learn from Smart’s experience and insights, and his message of focusing on customer needs is sure to resonate with businesses of all sizes.

Howard Templin, the District Governor of Rotary District 5810 North Texas was also in attendance.
