Akinlolu Oluwamuyiwa

How to identify a corrupt leader

SIR: Analysts have over the years, admitted that corruption has been the bane of Nigeria’s political, social and economic development. Prominent authors like the late Professor Chinua Achebe in his book titled
9 years ago

Abubakar Gimba: Farewell To The Mandarin

ABUJA. November 22, 1997. It was another election year for the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA) and the writers could be seen in groups and clusters feverishly canvassing for votes. As usual,
9 years ago

We Challenge Buhari To A Debate

THE last time Nigerians enjoyed something really close to an exciting Presidential debate was during the 1993 Presidential elections. I recall the colourful and memorable encounter between the late Chief MKO Abiola
9 years ago

Who Will Speak For Us?

SIR: Regardless of the prominent Umuoji people in high offices and successful businesses, comparatively, something overall seems to be mystifying in the stunted growth of the town. The neighbouring towns of Ojoto,
9 years ago

Good Night Chief Ebikebina Tantua

SIR: Before long Chief Ebikebina Tantua Taingbe II (JP), “Chief Tantua,” as titled by his peers – and “Director,” by his staff members, past and present would be committed to mother earth
9 years ago
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