Godwin Duniya

Yemen: Houthi rebels clash with army in Sanaa

HOUTHI rebels have exchanged fire with the army in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa. The two sides clashed early on Monday morning near the palace of President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, with gunfire heard across
9 years ago

Bangladesh ends confinement of opposition leader Zia

BANGLADESH police on Monday removed stringent security stationed around opposition leader Khaleda Zia’s office in Dhaka, ending her forced confinement after 16 days, amid renewed deadly political unrest. Authorities had ordered the
9 years ago

Mali says it has no more cases

MALI’S health minister says the country is now free of the Ebola virus, after 42 days without a new case of the disease. “I declare this day… the end of the epidemic
9 years ago

Eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk hit by fresh fighting

THERE has been heavy fighting in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk as government forces upped operations against Russian-backed militants. A government spokesman said Ukrainian forces had retaken most of the area
9 years ago
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