Avoidable deaths in the Holy Land

letterSIR: Our thoughts are with the hundreds of pilgrims involved in the 2015 Hajj stampede and their families. May the Almighty grant the bereaved families the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss.

We did not realise the magnitude of the loss until the commission in charge of Hajj operations in Nigeria came out with the statistics. About 769 pilgrims across from the world reportedly lost their lives in the stampede in Mina, Saudi Arabia; 1000 others were reportedly injured, according to reports. Commissioner for Information, Research and Library Services, NAHCON, Dr. Saleh Okenwa, shows that 214 Nigerians are still missing.

The casualty figure is high and should be considered a national tragedy! We sincerely hope they will eventually be found alive hale and healthy. It is in the light of the above that we sincerely suggest to NAHCON that preference be given to first-timers in future Hajj operations. Those who have performed Hajj more than once should give opportunity to the first timers so as to reduce the numbers. Instead they can seek further spiritual fulfillment /obligations during Lesser Hajj which they can do when the crowd of worshippers is much less. This measure should be taken in addition to ensuring the medical fitness/state of health of the intending pilgrims by NAHCON.

Apart from the nature’s effects on the pilgrims which could be mitigated, some of the matters arising dwell on logistics and security. The co-operation of NAHCON and other related bodies from other countries will help hosts, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia to make room for better arrangement and execution to safeguard lives.
• Gbemiga Olakunle,
National Prayer Movement,
Abuja, FCT



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