AYLØ is heating up the loverboy polity in “Grown Ass Girl” visuals

It’s not Derulo with trumpets and seductive models. It’s also clearly not Robin Thicke with carefree abandon. It’s AYLØ, the reigning lover boy of RnB in the blossoming Afrobeats arena, spellbinding his global fanbase with a cinematic expose into his utopian world of romance. With his just-released visuals for “Grown Ass Girl”, the young Nigerian-American maestro ups his ante for artsy interpretations of his music.

Directed by Buhari Yesufu, for comebackhomewemissyou productions (Joeboy’s “Duffel Bag” and “Designer”), the video sees AYLØ bask in his playboy mien, as he relishes the company of several beautiful women. With the sober lighting, artsy white-themed and minimalist styling, as well as medium pacing of the shots, the video remains alluring to the eye, and an exciting complement to AYLØ’s romantic yearnings as captured in the song.

Produced by Derick Fagbohun, the song takes one on an exciting sojourn from AYLØ’s 2022 album dubbed, For Good Reasons, and it stretches his fusions – an urban mesh of Hip Hop, Soul and RnB – across Afrobeats borders, providing a breath of fresh air in the music scene. A standout record from that project, “Tekkers” was also directed by Buhari Yesufu, who seems to be AYLØ’s visual Yang to his musical Ying.

Set in Lagos, “Grown Ass Girl” is a befitting visual therapy for love bloomers, and generally art lovers. Watch it here:
