Babcock University High School graduates 390 students

babcock UniversityJUNIOR secondary school and senior secondary school students of Babcock University High School, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, numbering 390 recently had their day of joy at the school’s 20th graduation and award-giving ceremony.

In his address, principal of the school, Dr. Bolanle Adebawojo, congratulated the Class of 2015 tagged, “Optimum Graduating Class,” for being able to pass through the rigours of secondary school successfully.

He described them as a group of students who have been mentored and groomed to be academically and morally sound, through the process of holistic education: “the education of the head, the mind and the hand.”

He urged them to create a future they would love for themselves, reminding them that they have been equipped with unlimited powers to live responsible lives. “You should realise that from now on, you are to make decisions on career, the kind of person you would like to be, which calls for carefulness, discipline and determination.

You have to be strong enough to stand alone, not allowing others to define for you, who you are but be ready to take responsibility for your actions.”

Adebawojo also reminded them that as they do the right thing and stand strong as ambassadors of their alma mater, they would be able to face future challenges. “Today, you are being celebrated. Believe in yourselves as you separate from your high school peers.

Do not rest on your oars, be focused, diligent, upright and be willing to stand alone than being in bad companies,” she advised. On behalf of the outgoing students, Kelechi Francis thanked God who saw them through.

He also thanked the principal and teachers for their efforts in shaping their destinies. “We, the Optimum Class of 2015 are proud to have been a part of this great school, and we express our appreciation to our teachers and the spiritual department for building us academically and spiritually,” he said.

