BAMTEDDY: From BBNaija To Forever

Oluwabamike ‘BamBam’ Olawunmi and Tope’ Teddy A’ Adenibuyan have captured the hearts of millions of Nigeria, many of whom watched their love blossom from the Big Brother house. 

Finding love in the most unexpected place, BamTeddy remains BBNaija’s first successful relationship since inception. The three-year relationship has since evolved into a family with a daughter, Zendaya, and a son on the way.

BamTeddy met up with Guardian Life to chat about their return to our screens with their new reality TV series Uncut With BamTeddy.

As a celebrity couple with basically all their love life from the dating stage till now in the public eye, how has this challenged your relationship?

Bam Bam: So, initially, when we came out of the house, when we were not sure what we wanted to do with ourselves, it was way harder.

But then, when we got married and knew that it was us against the world, we decided to set the pace and decide on what we wanted the world to see.

So we had to choose to be more intentional about not living for the public eye; we’re living for ourselves first.

Teddy A: Well, I won’t say it has challenged us. Me personally, or my wife as well, I think it has really solidified our bond. 

 So challenges no, strength, opportunity, become an institution for people to study yes!

  • How do you decide what you want your fans to know about you and where to draw a line?

BamBam: The truth is just like I answered the first question. It’s sad when you live outside in; it is powerful when you live inside out. 

You set the pace of your life. If the public is defining how you live your life, then you will not last; longevity is skewed. So the principle for us is that those that would love us to stay will stay whether we decide to constantly feed them or not.

Teddy A: We’re not conventional like that, and that’s how we stay young. That’s how we keep our thing going. 

  • How has it been adjusting to motherhood from pregnancy to postpartum depression and now when she’s a toddler?

BamBam: Nobody prepares you for motherhood. I didn’t grow up in a large family, so I didn’t really have first-hand experience of nurturing a baby.

My daughter was my first-hand experience with a newborn, the pregnancy, the hormonal imbalance and in the middle of a pandemic, it was not funny.

It was quite a challenge for me at first, but then understanding that a child is a gift from God, and he who gave you the gift has to enable, empower and strengthen you to handle this gift was my anchor. Honestly, my relationship with God has made motherhood sweet, and it’s going to still be sweet.

  • It’s been a while since fans have seen you on their screens. Now that you’re coming back this time, you’re coming back better on your own show; what should fans expect from you? 

Bam Bam: The show is called Uncut With BamTeddy. We’re just trying to show you our realness; you guys saw on reality TV, you saw us in Big Brother house. 

Now you’re seeing the refined version if that makes any sense. And all the questions. What have you been up to? What are you doing? We’re just giving it to you on a platter. 

We’re really chasing longevity.

Teddy A: We’re working on generational wealth. If it’s not empowering us, not making us better, we don’t want it. 

  • We’d like to know your favourite thing about each other (you have to guess each other’s pick)?

BamBam: My eyes, my lips.

Teddy A: I love her eyes, her skin, her voice. She likes my height, my hair, lips, eyes, body, my voice. When I sing and when I get protective.  

BamBam: Yes, priority his lips; I love watching him talk. 

  • What is the shadiest thing you’ve heard about your relationship?

Teddy A: It was when they said I hit her. That was a deal-breaker; I don’t joke with this woman. When they were saying those things, we had to sit down and be like; you know these guys would look for something at the end of the day.  And I don’t like controversy, so I felt some type of way about that. 

  • Should we expect anything else aside from the show? 

BamBam & Teddy A: Just keep watching the space. 

BamBam: Isn’t it more fun when you don’t expect it? 



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