Bayelsa govt donates land for Anglican University

Governor Douye Diri with Primate Ndukuba, Archbishop Enyindah and Bishops of Niger Delta Province and their wives
The Bayelsa government has promised to provide land for the proposed Anglican University in the state.

Governor Douye Diri made the pledge in response to a request by the Primate of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), The Most Rev. (Dr.) Henry Ndukuba, who led other Bishops of the Province of Niger Delta on a courtesy visit to Government House, Yenagoa on January 2, 2022.

Describing Anglican schools as strong institutions that contributed in producing responsible members of society, Diri said hosting an Anglican University would positively impact the state and the Niger Delta region.

The governor said the state is eager to have its first private university and that the government would support such initiatives as it would accord the people more access to education.

He urged the clerics to speak up against injustice in the country, stating that Nigeria is in dire need of such voices to make the society better.

Diri attributed the successes recorded under his administration to God and appreciated the Anglican Primate for the visit. He commended the Bishop of the Diocese of the Niger Delta West, The Rt. Rev. (Dr) Emmanuel Oko-Jaja, for promoting the gospel.

He said: “Your request for land for the proposed Anglican University is a good request. The government will provide the land. We will acquire it for you. I am doing this with the conscience that Bayelsa is a state that does not have one private university. So, we are very happy and prepared to host the Anglican University.

“The Anglican Church has over the years produced leaders of worth. It is a good thing that we have an Anglican institution domiciled in Bayelsa and we believe that it is going to add value to the Niger Delta region. Some of us are where we are today because of the upbringing we received in the Anglican schools we attended.

“Our country is going through difficult times. The Anglican Church in Nigeria needs a voice like South Africa’s late Desmond Tutu, who stood against injustice, against inequity in his country and the world. We have Bishop Matthew Kukah of the Catholic Church. The Anglican Church can equally stand up against inequity and inequality.”

Ndukuba said he was in the state to dedicate a Bishop’s Court Chapel and Diocesan Secretariat of the Diocese of Niger Delta West.


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