BCPG urges FG, states to overhaul building development process

Recommends auditing of on-going construction within four weeks

The Building Collapse Prevention Guild (BCPG), yesterday, urged the federal and state governments, as well as agencies in charge of building development control, especially in Lagos State, to take critical look at the building development process with a view to overhaul the system and bring back sanity into the industry.

President of BCPG, Sulaimon Yusuf, who made the appeal in Lagos, lamented that it is only in Nigeria that the practice of building engineering services is thrown to all and sundry, bringing the consequences of absence of effective control mechanism and menace of incessant building collapse in the country.He, therefore, urged the public and building developers to adequately patronise building professionals to handle designs and constructions.

BCPG said that non-involvement of qualified and experienced building professionals had also been fingered for the collapse of the structures as well as punching shear stress on the flat slab owing to poor analysis and design of the structure.

It, therefore, recommended that the process of auditing on-going construction work should be completed within four weeks in collaboration with the owners and developers of the buildings.


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