Be a model, add contentment to Godliness — Enyindah tells faithful

The Archbishop of the Province and Bishop of the Diocese of Ikwerre, His Grace, Most Rev’d Blessing Enyindah, and delegates at the end of the two-day Provincial Council and Mothers’ Union executive meeting of the Ecclesiastical Province of Niger Delta held at St. Cyprian’s Anglican Church of the Diocese of Niger Delta, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
The Archbishop of the Province and Bishop of the Diocese of Ikwerre, His Grace, Most Reverend Blessing Enyindah, has called on the church to be a role model in all aspects of human endeavours, including living a life of contentment.

He said this while addressing delegates at the end of a two-day Provincial Council and Mothers’ Union Executive Meeting of the Ecclesiastical Province of Niger Delta, held at the St. Cyprian’s Anglican Church of the Diocese of Niger Delta, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

According to Archbishop Enyindah, the call has become necessary sequel to the obvious penchant for greed, activated by lack of contentment and lust for money, which is the root of all evil.

Speaking on the theme, “Godliness With Contentment,” taken from I Timothy 6:6, the Archbishop said that one could be godly, but not contented, adding that conflicts among nations, mudslinging, wrangling in organisations, communities and the church are due to lack of contentment.

Explaining that Paul’s instruction to Apostle Timothy in Ephesus was designed to place Timothy on the right track, Enyindah noted that false teachings and doctrines posed great challenge to the church then, adding that the message still applies to the church today.

He said: “The church should try to pulverise the insatiable penchant for greed that holds all segments of the society in captive, and also to make all and sundry blend contentment with godliness because the posture yields great gains and offers eternal value.”

On the state of the nation, the Archbishop enjoined faithful across the country to come out in their numbers to cast their votes in the forthcoming election to enthrone credible leaders at all levels of governance.

He also called on the political class to shun politics of bitterness to avert violence and disruption of the electoral process.

In his welcome address, the Bishop, Diocese of Niger Delta, Rt. Rev. Emmanuel Okwuchi Oko-Jaja cautioned faithful against competing with the world and its avarice, saying that the church should rise against ungodly teachings and doctrines.

In his text taken from Malachi 3:3, the Venerable Ataifuk-ibot Amon Ijon-Ama condemned the way the people of the world showcase their polluted lifestyle, adding that profaned mode of worship, robbing God of his financial rights are clear indices of the lifestyle of the Israelites when they returned from exile.

The Venerable disclosed that God raises messengers of hope in every dispensation as exemplified in the work of John the Baptist who preached the gospel of repentance, telling people of his time the mind of God.

• Fombo is the Diocesan Communicator

Venerable Ijon-Ama called on christians and non-christians to heed the voice of good leaders in the government, traditional circles, the church and families to avert God’s wrath.

More than 100 delegates from the Niger Delta province attended the meeting, which attracted Bishops and their wives as well as chancellors, synod secretaries, treasurers, financial secretaries among others.
• Fombo is the Diocesan Communicator


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