Be Royal In Red


We all know how amazing LBDs are on women. But have you seen what red looks like? Red is one colour knows no gender, it is bold, sexy and powerful and even makes jaws drop. You can pair it with different colours or even wear red dresses and still look elegant. If styled right, red can be worn with anything and everything and by anyone.

Pick the right shade: Most people make the mistake of buying a red dress, skirt, pants or even shirts, without finding out if it fits their skin tone. If you have a darker skin tone, go for orangey-red or coral-red. If you are fair, colours like ruby red will make your skin look great. Do not just pick a red outfit because it looked good on someone, pick the one that is really good on your skin and you will look just as elegant.

Casual: It is advisable to pair red with a neutral shade if you are going casual so that the red colour will not be over-the-top. Pair red with a white or black if you have doubts about how it will turn out. If you feel shy wearing bold red, look for other colours that have red prints or patterns on them.

Classy: A red pantsuit or skirt to an event or work makes you stand out while a red dress makes heads turn. If worn with the right heels and purse, you will look graceful. 

Be daring: Only the brave go for deep back cuts or even backless dresses. You can also try a plunging neckline or slit.

Makeup and Accessories: If you wish to draw attention to your face, wear a pair of bold red sunshades, bloody red lipstick or bold red eye shadow. Jewellery is a great way to spice up your outfit and red pieces of jewellery will stand out when you pair it with neutral colours. A sleek red handbag will work well with a formal outfit and a big red leather bag will complement a streetwear look.  


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