‘Become a better you’ spotlights etiquette, social conduct

Become A Better You is an inspiring and informative book by Titilayo Olukorede Adeleye that delves into the essentials of good communication skills and proper conduct.

It provided practical advice for individuals of all ages to present their best selves. This self-help book includes valuable tips on living a purposeful life and covers timeless topics on leadership, professional, personal, and emotional development.

Adeleye is the founder of The Eden Initiative, an organisation that promotes excellence through kingdom principles. She describes Become A Better You as a guide to good etiquette and social conduct, emphasising the importance of proper and acceptable interaction in a civil society.

“The inspiration to write this book came from my passion for seeing things done the right way,” she explained. “This drive was further fueled by observations and experiences gathered from interacting and working with people across all ages and walks of life in social, corporate, and religious settings, in the workplace and boardrooms.”

The author, who is also a certified life coach, is deeply committed to the impartation of leadership skills to young people.

She believed that Become A Better You stands out from other books on etiquette because it presents principles of social polish and poise in a simple, easy-to-assimilate format.

Adeleye said that managing one’s finances responsibly and with integrity is crucial for maintaining personal and professional relationships.

“Being prompt with payments, understanding the etiquette of tipping, and handling financial discussions with tact and honesty are essential skills for everyone.”
