Before Brymo finally loses it…


T4T was watching the interview of singer, ỌLawale lfr, aka Brymo, on Chude’s online TV, where he claimed that he is the only Nigerian artiste whose music can be listened to for two hours without the listener tiring out. He also made other claims such as some other stars were after him.

T4T, at a point, was afraid for Brymo. Something is not just right with him. The young man appears to be fighting an inner battle, a very raging one for that matter. When Simi, a singer and wife of another artiste, Dekunle Gold, sometime last year accused Brymo of demanding for sex before agreeing to a music collaboration, an allegation he coyly denied, that was when T4T knew something was wrong with him.

But then, let us try to look into his claim of being the only artiste that a Nigerian could listen to for straight two hours! Wait o, which Brymo songs are we going to be listening to for those hours, Arambe?

That is about the only song that anybody could link to Brymo, so how on earth would someone listen to Arambe more than once? Oh, Brymo is asking us to put it on auto-repeat till it hits the two-hour mark. So sweet. T4T will try that this weekend.

Somebody should rein in that young man, he is steadily losing it. And by the way, why was he sweating in the studio that day? Was there no air cooling system in the studio or the boy get internal heat?


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