Believers’ love for one another

Text: 1 Cor. 13:1-8
Love in the life of a believer is everything to that believer. The kind of love we are talking about is Agape love, which King James Bible calls charity.

It is the highest kind of love, which was born in heaven and brought down to earth. This love is practiced by those that are born again and not sinners.

The love practiced on earth before Jesus Christ came is called Eros; the love that is motivated by selfish body emotions. It is a product of pretense because of its selfish gains. It is a kind of love that transcends to hatred as soon as it gets what it wants. This kind of love took place between Amnon and Tamar (2 Sam 13:2-3,14-18). This kind of love has now come into the church. Members would claim to love their leaders because they want the leaders to deliver them from one form of spiritual attack or to get spiritual help from them and afterwards turn against the leaders. (Jon 6:1-25; Matt 27:22-23). Any believer or church that will succeed the storm and cross to the other side must remain in perfect fellowship and do away with Eros. It is an enemy of the church and does not last long. From history, all the men that had dwelt on Eros died young; they all had a violent and mysterious death.

Amnon fortified the throne of his father and died a violent death because of Eros. Do not dwell on Eros; rather embrace Agape love. Drop Eros and cleave to Agape love. Agape love will lead you to the parley gate. Agape love is the description of the love God showed to humanity through His son, Jesus Christ (Jon 3:16). Agape love is selfless; it is not Philia (brotherly love) or Philatua (self love). Agape love must flow in you as it is in God and this will enable you to manifest it (Phil 2:5; Rom 4:3, 22-24). Any man that is renewed will not practice Eros (Rom 12:1-2). When Agape rules a believer, he/she does not hold anything against anybody or talk in a careless manner to offend a fellow believer. He will always suffer everything to secure and preserve godliness (Rom 1:1; Titus 1:1). He will put away anger to avoid destroying his life and will never associate with iniquity. He will always be on the side of truth, investigate every information before making ungodly comments and will never doubt God, no matter the situation. An Agape love believer is not selfish or self-centred, but guards against envy and jealousy (Eph 4:1-3).
God is love and love is God (1Jon 4:8-21; 1Jon 5:1-3). Any believer that lacks Agape love is not of God irrespective of his manifestation (1 Cor. 13:1-2). Always look out for Agape love in any spiritual manifestations in the church by fellow members. The reason for divisions in many homes today is lack of Agape love among family members. Agape love forgives and lets go. Open up your life and let Agape love come in and rule.
• You can fellowship with us @ Kingdom Power International Christian Praying Centre, 65, Oluwatedo Estate, Isashi, Ojo, Lagos State. For details of our programmes visit: You can also follow us live on Facebook @kpicpc & YouTube @ kpicpc.



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