Benefits of Istighfar from the Holy Qur’an

Qur’an• Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual Forgiver. (Quran 71:10). We sin by the day and by the night, and Allah forgives by the day and the night.

Allah’s forgiveness is vast. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, Allah extends His hand by the day so the sinner of the night can repent and He extends His hand by the night so the sinner of the day can repent. [Narrated by Muslim].

He also said, peace be upon him, The companion (Angel) on the left lifts his pen for six hours for the Muslim slave that errs or sins. If this slave repents and seeks Allah’s forgiveness for that error or sin, the Angel doesn’t record it. And if the slave doesn’t ask Allah for forgiveness, the Angel records it once. (Muslim). So whenever we sin, let’s rush to His forgiveness.

• He will send (rain from) the sky upon you in (continuing) showers. (Quran, 71:11). Rain is a sign of Allah’s mercy as has been mentioned in the Quran and in the Sunnah. It is a time when Allah answers dua (supplication). Forgiveness is one of the causes for Allah to send rain down. It is symbolic as well for Allah to increase us in our provision and mercy. Even the guidance of the Quran has been compared to the effect that rain has on the dead earth.

