Benue APC stakeholders lobby Tinubu to pick Akpakwu as minister

As President Bola Ahmed Tinubu prepares to release his ministerial list, concerned Benue All Progressives Congress (APC) Stakeholders has appealed to the president to consider picking the Consul to the Republic of Philippines Consulate in Lagos, Consul Emmanuel Akpakwu as minister.

According to them, Akpakwu has consistently demonstrated exemplary leadership qualities and a deep understanding of the challenges facing our Benue state and the country at large.

Addressing journalists in Abuja on Monday, coordinator of the group, Jackson Alfa Oloja, commended governor of Benue State, Hyacinth Alia and the speaker of the state house of assembly, Aondona Dajoh, for backing Akpakwu’s nomination as ministerial candidate for the state.

By law, Tinubu is required to name his cabinet within 60 days after taking the oath of office on May 29 and transmits it to the Senate for confirmation.

With less than 18 days to submit his cabinet list to the National Assembly as recommended by the constitution, Oloja expressed confidence that Akpakwu will effectively drive the vision of the president for a prosperous Nigeria.

He stated: “As stakeholders deeply invested in the progress and development of Benue State, we believe that Mr. Akpakwu possesses the necessary expertise, experience, and vision to contribute significantly to the growth and prosperity of our beloved Country.

“The nominee’s impeccable track record in privatesector, coupled with their strong dedication to the welfare of the people, has earned them our utmost confidence and trust.

“Furthermore, Akpakwu has proven themselves to be a unifying figure, capable of fostering collaboration among various stakeholders and driving inclusive governance. This remarkable achievements in [relevant area of expertise have garnered widespread recognition and accolades, making him a prime candidate for this important ministerial position.

“We call upon all APC members, supporters, and the general public in Benue State to rally behind Akpakwu to provide them with the necessary support and cooperation to succeed in this new role under president Bola Ahmed Tinubu led administration. Let us put aside partisan differences and prioritize the collective welfare and progress of our state and country.

“We express our gratitude to his Excellency the Executive Governor of Benue state,his amiable deputy Governor and speaker of the Benue State House of assembly while we salute the leadership of the All Progressives Congress for nominating such an exceptional candidate, and we commend their commitment to selecting a man of high caliber and integrity for key positions of public service.

“In conclusion, the Concern Benue APC Stakeholders wholeheartedly endorse Akpakwu as the ministerial nominee from Benue State and urge all well-meaning citizens to join us in supporting their confirmation and subsequent contributions towards the development and prosperity of our great state and country. ”

