Biafra Day: Sit-at-home order halts economic activities in Enugu, WAEC exam peaceful

A deserted street in Owerri

Economic activities ground to a halt in Enugu on Thursday as residents stayed indoors in compliance with the directive of pro-Biafra agitators.

Banks and businesses were closed, with only a few transporters operating on the roads, while civil servants reported for duty.

The workers had been warned of consequences should they abstain from duties, as the government had declared that there was no holiday or work-free day in the state due to the agitators’ order.

Students scheduled to write their Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE) took their mathematics exam after making arrangements to stay close to their schools before Thursday.

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and the Movement for the Actualisation of Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) had declared a sit-at-home in the region in remembrance of those who paid the supreme price during the Biafra/Nigeria civil war.

They urged residents to stay home and light candles in prayer for the repose of their souls.
To prevent untoward situations, several schools where the WAEC exam was held in the state made arrangements for their students to sleep on the school premises on Wednesday in preparation for the exam on Thursday.

However, at the Comprehensive Secondary School, some hoodlums wearing black ribbons on their heads invaded the school after the first maths exam and warned the students not to take the second paper.

The school authorities promptly reported this to security officials, leading to the mobilisation of security to enable the students to write the exam. Some schools where the exam was held locked their gates firmly against invaders.

The Guardian visited Akpugo High School in Agbani, Nkanu West Council during the second maths exam and found no challenges.

The Principal, Egbo Martha Ifenyinwa, stated that the exam had been proceeding smoothly. She stressed that some students who lived far from the school stayed overnight, and the community vigilante provided security for them and guarded the premises throughout the exam.

At Government College, Agbani, a team of soldiers was deployed at the gate to provide security while at the Model Comprehensive Secondary school, Ugbwka, the authorities reported also there were no challenges.

Mrs Agbo Chimaobi, the principal of Model Comprehensive Secondary School, said the exam was orderly.


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