Bible Society seeks alternative solutions to HIV/AIDS infection

Mutated-Strain-of-HIV-that-Leads-to-AIDS-within-3-Yrs-Found-in-CubaThe Bible Society of Nigeria (BSN) yesterday advocated proper conduct rather than the use of condom for the prevention and spread of the Human Immuno-deficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) even as they called on young people especially students of public and private secondary schools, to adopt healthy lifestyles ‎as they grow into adulthood.

Deputy Manager, Church and Public Relations, of the organisation, Benjamin Mordi, made that call at a workshop and official presentation of a book, “HIV/AIDS Pandemic: Conduct, not Condom,” to students and pupils of Nosakhare Model Education Centre, Benin, Edo State as part of activities to mark the group’s tour of the south-south region of the country.

Mordi explained that while huge resources had‎ been spent by the Federal Government in the provision of condoms as a preventive measure, BSN believed that the right sexual attitude was an effective solution towards checking the spread of the virus which had claimed millions of lives and dreams.

He said: “What we do in the Bible Society of Nigeria is to break any known barrier that will make the word of God inaccessible to people. We have translation the bible to different languages and produced it in grails for the blind.

“But beyond that we, also care for the physical health of the people we produce the bible ‎for. That is why we have gone ahead produce this material as our intervention strategy to stem the HIV/AIDS pandemic.”

