Bimbo Ademoye: I am tired of funny scripts

Bimbo Ademoye

Bimbo Ademoye is an award-winning Nollywood actress. The light-skinned Bimbo, known for her comic and hilarious videos on social media, has transitioned from characters such as Todowede and Selina to the most recent, Iya Barakat. In this interview with IJEOMA THOMAS-ODIA, she shares her sojourn into acting, taking on funny and comic characters.

How would you describe your encounter and sojourn into acting?
It started out on a positive note for me because I came into the industry through an amazing woman. I can say that I have been very lucky. I came into the industry through Uduak Isong. I didn’t experience the issue of sleeping with producers because of roles. She was more like a mother to me when I started out. She took me under her wings and was very protective of me. So, the journey has really been a smooth one for me.

What do you consider a good movie role good for you?
Everybody is trying to improve on their craft. These days, I have been very picky with the role I play because I need something that is very challenging. Everybody knows that I am funny at this point, and I say that with all humility. So, I am tired of funny scripts. That is why I need something different. Let me show you that I can make you cry just like I can make you laugh. Let me show you that I can make you to be surprised just like I can make you laugh. I am not saying that I am tired of comedy or funny roles but let me slow down on that a little bit.
Did you start your acting career as a comic actor?
To be honest, everybody wanted to make use of the body. They wanted me to play the sexy secretary, or the actress that snatched someone’s husband or the one that snatched the other person’s boyfriend. It was Uduak who took a chance on me. She gave me a role different from what I was used to and since then, it has been amazing. People started calling me to come and act a comedy role, feature in this and that. It has really been very wonderful since then. I can say I owe that woman a lot for the opportunity she gave to me.

Which do you consider your favourite between comic and serious roles you have played?
Comedy roles. I love to make people laugh. It’s something that comes natural to me. I really enjoy making people laugh a lot. But it is more important to prove that I am more than a comedian. I am also an actor. That is why I try to take up some serious roles sometimes too.

Your new online character, Iya Barakat got you a nomination in the content creators’ category of the AMVCAs. Don’t you think you need to pitch your full tent in comedy now?
I started the Iya Barakat character like a joke and here we are getting recognised to the extent of getting a nomination. So the character roles of Todowede, Selina and Iya Barakat are all from Ebute-Meta. However as a versatile actor, I can transcend from one role to another not necessarily sticking to one genre.

What are the qualities that make a good movie?

A good storyline and perfect casting. Like I said earlier on, I don’t care how much your budget is. Just give me an amazing actor that will give me the same amount of energy that I will give to him or her. Make sure your storyline is top notch and you must follow your story line. Don’t give me something in script and when we get to the movie location, you are saying something else entirely. For example, the script says, Bimbo Ademoye walks out of a yacht and when I get there, it’s changed to Bimbo walks out of a canoe. No, I don’t like that. As long as you can follow your storyline, I will look at the village setting and the city setting, then, I am good to go.

As a filmmaker, what are you most grateful for?
A lot of people thought I started way earlier than some of my colleagues. I am super grateful for my talent. I am super grateful for everybody who watches my movies. I appreciate every one of them. There is no me without them. It is not possible to film myself and be watching and give myself millions of streams. I can’t turn on the television set and be watching myself. I am super grateful for every single person who has appreciated my craft and I don’t take it for granted.

What is your advice to upcoming actors?
I will say, put in your best. Follow your passion, let life unfold by itself in your journey. Just do your thing as it is difficult to tell them what to do, because what works for me may not work for them.


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