Bishop Margaret Bolanle Odeleke celebrates 50 years on the pulpit

Bishop Margaret Bolanle Odeleke has been ministering for 50 years.

From June 17th to 19th, 2024, Bishop Margaret Bolanle Odeleke will stand at the pulpit to celebrate a monumental milestone—her 50th anniversary of preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. At 74, Bishop Odeleke will mark a half-century of unwavering dedication and service to her faith and community.

Reflecting on her journey, Bishop Odeleke recalls the early days as a young Lady Evangelist. Despite facing numerous challenges and doubts, her steadfast faith and determination propelled her forward. Over the years, she built a thriving ministry that has touched thousands of lives.

Bishop Margaret Bolanle Odeleke

Her impact extends beyond the pulpit. Bishop Odeleke has baptized countless babies, married numerous couples, and comforted grieving families. She founded several schools, maternity homes, and community programs, leaving an indelible mark on her community and beyond.

As Bishop Odeleke looks out at the congregation during the celebration, her heart will swell with pride and gratitude for the calling she has faithfully followed. The service will be a grand celebration, featuring music, dance, and testimonials from those whose lives she has touched.

Great Men of God, including Bishop David Oyedepo, Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo, Bishop Wale Oke, Apostle Wole Oladiyun, and the Chairman of Lagos State Christian Association of Nigeria, Bishop Adegbite, will minister during the three-day event.

Bishop Margaret Bolanle Odeleke

Listening to heartfelt tributes, Bishop Odeleke’s heart will be full of joy and thanksgiving. As she raises her hands in praise, the congregation will erupt in applause, cheering and whistling for the beloved Bishop who has dedicated her life to the Lord and to them.

This celebration will be a moment etched in their memories forever, a testament to the power of dedication, faith, and service. Bishop Margaret Bolanle Odeleke’s 50 years on the pulpit exemplify a life fully surrendered to God, and her legacy will continue to inspire generations to come.


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