Blord Group boss, Ifejika, lists recipe for success in business

Chairman and CEO of the Blord Group, Linus Williams Ifejika. Photo by Blord Group

Chairman of the Blord Group, a cryptocurrency trading company, Linus Williams Ifejika has advised anyone desirous of making it in life to embrace the culture of hard work, patience and discipline.

Ifejika, who has carved a niche for himself in the world of cryptocurrency trading in Nigeria, says sincerity, diligence and a never-say-die spirit are the recipe for success, adding that despite the success of his businesses, he wakes up every day planning and pursuing set goals to stay on top of his game.

“There is no easy way to wealth. I hustle every day. I resume work early in the morning. No one pays my bills; that is why I work tirelessly,” says Ifejika.

What many do not know is that the Blord Group required the market understanding, passion and focus of Ifejika to reach the height it has attained.

Ifejika’s flesh aligned with his spirit as he ventured into a market whose prospects he saw at a time not many were willing to stake a bet on, leaving him with a chance of either succeeding or failing.

The Blord head saw a window of opportunity, grabbed it and flung it open to unleash his creative potentials. He made a huge success of that rare courage to try something new in the mould of what mathematicians referred to as “moving from the known to the unknown.”

“If you are not prepared to come out of your comfort zone, it will be difficult for you to make any headway or any significant progress as an entrepreneur,” he says.

“In business, you should prepare for losses just as you are seeking profits. When you suffer a loss, take it as a lesson. You would have learnt one way of how not to do that business,” he explains.

Anyone bent on venturing into crypto, must be ready to make honesty, transparency and trustworthiness their watchwords, says the Blord CEO, adding that without trust, doing business becomes almost an impossibility.

“For anyone who wants to stay long in the business, there is no room for compromise. If you are diligent and honest, it pays in the long run,” he says.

This counsel mirrors what billionaire businessman, Warren Buffet, once said about the nature of man in business: “There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult.”

The Blord founder advised players in the crptocurrency sphere not to belong to the pack of human beings who make easy things difficult for their fellow men, stressing that trust and mutual benefits remain a two-way traffic for those involved in the transaction of business.


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