BOSF condemns defects of APC group

All Progressives Congress (APC) (Photo by PIUS UTOMI EKPEI / AFP)

Buhari Osinbajo Solidarity Front (BOSF) chairman Ado Baba condemned some groups that defected from the All Progressives Congress (APC) and claimed to remain loyal to President Muhammadu Buhari and his vice president, Yemi Osinbajo.

A statement issued by Baba on Thursday stated that the group’s claims are untrue and baseless, and their actions don’t reflect the spirit and aspirations of the president and vice president.

“At any rate, what is the motive behind their desperate clinging to the names of the President and Vice President in their political gamble if not crass opportunism and shameless anticipation?” Baba said

“A genuine approach would have been the exercise of their free will in making their political choices, even if at the 11th hour without the names of Buhari and Osinbajo.” These so-called groups could have simply adopted the names of their preferred candidates in their new adventure.

He added that the actions of these groups were not only misguided but also solely for their own selfish interests.

Baba, however, urges Nigerians to disregard the actions of these groups, as they do not represent the true loyalty and support that both the President and the Vice President enjoy across the country.


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