Ventilation… What window’s got to do with it

It’s that time of the year when you crave to breathe cool air as though your existence depends on it – actually it does, especially during the hot weather, which is why you need multiple windows breathing solutions.

Hot weather comes with a lot of discomfort and health detriments as it places a strain on the heart and lungs, which explains why the majority of serious illnesses and deaths caused by heat are respiratory and cardiovascular.

The elderly, those with pre-existing health conditions and young children are particularly at risk, hence the need to live in homes built with intercross ventilation openings.
Multiple windows are the best option for cross ventilation as this becomes very useful during the hot weather (Summer).
Benefits of multiple windows
• Cross ventilation –This offers the most effective cooling air by naturally blowing out hotness and doubling the effect of available cool air however small, thereby eradicating stuffy air.
• Multiple windows facilitate the entry of natural light indoors.
• Enable the occupants to enjoy beautiful views from different directions of their home.
• Maximise natural light – Studies have shown that natural daylight elevates energy, boosts moods and also a great source of Vitamin D. So the more windows you have in your interior, the better your chances of comfort and healthy living.
• Solar Gain.
• Design Appeal.
• Energy Efficiency.

