Breathe, live, sleep

…Every Home Should Have Air Condition Unit

With the current intensity of the hot weather, only an activated Air Conditioning (AC) unit space would be livable enough to allow lively breath in and out during the day and a good bedtime sleep at night.
This is because extremely high weather temperature affects the human body and literally threatens continuous existence. So at this level of high degrees hot weather conditions in most parts of the country, if cooling AC units are not up and running in interior spaces especially in the homes, this could lead to detrimental health challenges such as heart attack, heat stroke, heat rashes, skin burn, body discomfort, insomnia, in-ability to breathe etc.
Staying indoors for long in awfully hot weather above 35 degrees without AC could cause the nervous system to be less effective or stop functioning.
Did you say an electric fan would also save the day? No, an electric fan would only function well if there is a cool natural air from outside that penetrates the interior space. And in a situation where the outside is extremely hot, the fan would only rotate the heat in the space making it even more unbearable. Fans simply rotate existing hot air around the interior space while AC takes out the hot air and uses the reverse cycle air functioning to cool the air in a closed space.
However, with the current situation of inflation like never before in the country, the question becomes can every Nigerian afford to buy and install AC units in their homes? Or only the rich would survive even the weather?


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