Brolentine: Seven Ways For Single Men To Enjoy Valentine’s Day

The most anticipated day of the week is finally here; Valentine’s Day.

For many men, this is a special day for them to express romantic feelings through gifts and money to their girlfriends or wives. While some men (AKA the single fellas) see it as a day of oppression, a day when they are reminded of the absence of a significant other in their lives, a day when they become unprofessional collectors, collecting gifts from the many girlfriends their best friend has, and most importantly, a day when they feel alone.

No man deserves to feel sad or left out on valentine’s day. Regardless of relationship status, valentine’s day is to be enjoyed by every man, single or not. In this article, we listed seven ways for a single guy to enjoy valentine’s day.

  •     Go Out

Staying indoors on valentine’s day is not an ideal solution to dismiss the feeling of being alone. Dress up, head out into the streets, visit places and have lots of fun. For example, you could hit up a shopping mall to buy a new pair of sneakers, or go to a restaurant and try out new dishes.

Who knows? You just might meet your significant other while you are out.

  •     Stay off social media

Imagine logging into your Instagram account, and your feed is full of pictures and videos, showing romantic partners at dinners. It could lead to jealousy, especially if one of those partners is your ex or crush.

Unplug from the internet and focus on doing something else, like reading that novel on the shelf or cleaning up the house.

  •     Hang out with friends

Nothing compensates more on valentine’s day than not being the only single one among your friends. There is a popular saying, the more the merrier. So, rather than being a lone wolf today, hang out with your friends. You could organise a football viewing party, video games marathon, or movie night.

  •     Binge-watch a film

The introduction of streaming services has made Valentine’s Day less boring. If you are the type of guy who doesn’t like going out or hanging out with friends, this is perfect for you. Within the comfort of your home, you could cozy up to a couch, grab a bowl of popcorn, and press the play button on your TV screen.

  •     Send gifts to yourself

At the core of Valentine’s Day is self-love, because only when you love yourself can you love someone else. Even if no one sends a gift to you, you can always send one to yourself. It could be a pair of jeans you have been saving up to buy or that expensive wristwatch. This is the day to treat yourself to something nice cause you deserve it.

  •     Cook a meal

Restaurants and online food vendors might be fully booked today. Toss aside the idea of buying a meal, and decide to cook something at home. There are tons of recipes online, look them up and put them into practice. To make it more fun, invite family members or a few friends.

  •     Work out

It is a good time to put energy into building those muscles. Working out helps you make the day all about you putting effort into living a healthier life. With the option of going to a gym or exercising at home, you can choose the one that best suits you.

Being single should never be a reason for you to have an uneventful valentine’s day. With the suggestions listed above, you are sure to have a fun-filled Feb 14. Now, go out there and proudly live the single man’s lifestyle. 

Also, from all of us at Guardian life, we say HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY.


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