Bryce Thompson: Changing how people view young entrepreneurs

A trailblazer, entrepreneur, and youtuber. These are the words that describe Bryce Thompson. Whereas most people at age 23 are barely able to figure out what they want to do with their lives, Bryce was already making massive leaps by this age and was already ranked as a chairman. This is his story.

“I would like to be perceived as a millennial entrepreneur, business builder and creative director of massive events and experiences all over the world. My youtube channel helps me get the word out about all the amazing things that I do as well as just the ordinary stuff in between.” remarks Bryce.

Bryce’s success was not just his own doing. Like many other successful entrepreneurs, he did have help along the way. We are nothing without our support systems and the people who get us through the difficult times. Whether that be just a word of encouragement or actual business help, our friends and our family help makes our dreams come true. Bryce was surrounded by his brother and his closest friends who all helped him make all of their businesses successful.

“I’m not alone in my success. I’m very quick to point out that my brother and a few of my closest friends have been there from the very beginning. Each milestone I surpass, I attribute every single one to them. Most successful people that have a team that assisted them to success don’t ever reciprocate that same effort back to their team. It’s about everybody winning and going to the top together. I would not be here without the people that were there from the very beginning.” says Bryce.

Though Bryce is incredibly successful now, he did not initially dream of becoming an entrepreneur. His goal was to become a professional basketball player. Many of us dream of becoming a professional in some sort of sport or athletics as we watch our favorite athletes compete on TV. Unfortunately, an injury prevented him from pursuing a career in sports. Though this was a major setback in Bryce’s life, he clearly has made something big out of the setback by becoming a successful entrepreneur.

“One of my biggest obstacles that I faced was having to be faced with news of a back injury that derailed my dreams of becoming a basketball player. Despite all of this, in three years in the industry, I had built a multi-million dollar business.” explains Bryce.

Bryce is the future of young entrepreneurship who is showing that anything is possible no matter what age you are. Though Bryce has many years ahead of him, it is clear that he will be successful in whatever he does due to his ability to achieve when people have put many obstacles in his path. Nothing will stop Bryce from growing and doing more to make sure that he is successful.


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