Building Institute offers free service to detect substandard structures

Due to the high cases of building collapse in the country, the Nigerian Institute of Building (NIOB) has offered a pro bono service to check substandard structures for demolition across the country.

The Institute’s National President, Kunle Awobodu said this in Bauchi, lamenting the proliferation of quacks in the building profession. He noted that their activities have put many lives in danger, disclosing that the association has concluded that it would work with relevant government ministries to curb the incessant building collapse. 

He said: “In a pro bono exercise engendered by need for social responsibility, builders will pay visits to various building sites across the country to provide clients, developers and their workers technical advice and construction techniques that will help uplift and sustain the serviceability of their buildings.”

According to him, those who failed to comply with professional advice would have their structures demolished, as guided by the law. 

“We hereby enjoin the Federal Government through the Honourable Minister of Works and Housing, Mr. Babatunde Raji Fashola, SAN, to expedite further actions on the National Building Code project.


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