‘Building professional relationships help women navigate challenges in career’


Morenike Molehin is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Oak and Teak Interiors, one of the fastest growing interior design companies in Africa. Over a period of ten years, Molehin has successfully positioned the company as a leading interior design company with expertise in delivering on the most complex design projects including five-star hotels. Through her focused leadership, the company has continuously expanded within and beyond the shores of Nigeria by delivering world-class services to clients in Dubai, Rwanda, and Ghana. Molehin recently led her team to set up operations in United States to cater to the global demand for her services.

She holds a first degree in Industrial Mathematics from Covenant University and a second degree in Financial Mathematics and Computation from the University of Leicester, United Kingdom. As a testament to her entrepreneurial leadership, her company emerged as the winner of an international award for Best Luxury Residential Interior Design Company in Nigeria in 2022.

Beyond her business endeavours, ‘Renny’, as she is often referred to, is the convener of ‘Grow With Renny’ (GWR), a free mentorship initiative where she grooms and mentors pre-selected young ladies across various spheres of life including spirituality, business, career, marriage and relationship. Given the high demand to participate in the GWR mentorship programme, and has successfully hosted two editions of her GWR Conference in Lagos. Molehin has received entrepreneurial nominations and awards and is a frequent speaker at entrepreneurship and empowerment seminars.

She also set up The Oak and Teak Foundation, a non-governmental organisation where she executes strategic corporate social responsibility initiatives. She is particularly passionate about providing relevant interventions in the areas of education and healthcare. In this interview with IJEOMA THOMAS-ODIA, she speaks on equipping young women with key skills to navigate the evolving economic landscape and thrive in a competitive world.

You run a thriving interior design brand, take us through your journey despite having a background in Mathematics.
A degree in mathematics might seem like an unusual path to interior design, but I’m a firm believer that university education equips you to tackle complex problems, regardless of the field you venture into. My degrees in Industrial and Financial mathematics provided a strong foundation for various career paths, and entrepreneurship was definitely calling my name. My initial plan was finance, but an internship showed me it wasn’t the right fit. So, I pivoted and started my career as an operations manager in an agro-allied company. This experience was valuable, but during those years, a passion for interior design blossomed. I began my own business, Oak and Teak Interiors, on the side. For four years, I juggled a full-time job with weekend hustle, building my design business. By January 2017, it had become increasingly challenging to manage both and it became clear that I needed to focus on Oak and Teak. That’s when I made the leap, leaving my day job to focus entirely on scaling my design dream into the thriving business it is today. This journey has taught me that university education is not limiting but rather a stepping stone to various career paths. It has also shown me the importance of pursuing what truly fulfills me, even if it means stepping away from the conventional career path I initially envisioned.

At what point did you decide you wanted to delve into interior design?
It all began about 11 years ago, coincidentally, right after I got married. Our apartment was initially furnished with just the essentials, prioritising function over aesthetics. As our financial situation improved, I decided to enhance the look and feel of our home, focusing on key areas like the living room, dining room, and guest bathroom. Whenever we entertained, we consistently receive compliments on the beauty of our space – even with a limited budget. Hearing this positive feedback repeatedly sparked a thought in my husband’s mind. He encouraged me to consider turning my home decorating talent into a sustainable business. I started doing some research and analysed the business side of interior design, and I began to realise I could truly enjoy this profession as a career. With little to no formal experience, I embarked on a journey of rigorous self-education through YouTube tutorials and interior design articles. Armed with this newfound knowledge, I launched my interior design business. Eleven years later, I’m incredibly grateful for that initial spark and the journey it set me on. Since then, I’ve even enrolled in international interior design courses, further solidifying my knowledge and exp
ertise in this field.

As a growing brand expanding across Africa and the United States, what prepared you for this feat and how are you constantly evolving to meet demand?
As a growing brand expanding across Africa and the United States and other locations, several factors have prepared us for this feat and continue to shape our evolution to meet demand. First, my faith is my guiding light, and with that, growth feels like a natural progression. Placing God at the centre of everything allows us to connect with clients on a deeper level and deliver exquisite services. I attribute our success to having God at the centre of my life and business. Our success hinges on three key pillars: meticulous attention to detail, genuine client compassion, and a commitment to continuous learning. We go the extra mile for our clients, ensuring their complete satisfaction. We can only do this by paying close attention to detail and keeping our clients happy throughout their engagement with us. This level of dedication has led to many clients referring us to their family and friends who have now also become clients. Personal development also plays a significant role in our growth. Personally, I’m a lifelong learner and even before starting my business, I invested two to three years in rigorous interior design studies. This dedication continues today – I constantly seek knowledge from industry leaders to ensure that we stay relevant and innovative in our approach. This also applies to our team members, ensuring that everyone is passionate about research and learning goes a long way to ensuring that you are constantly able to meet clients’ ever-changing needs. Overall, our commitment to continuous learning, attention to detail, and reliance on God have been instrumental in our success and will continue to drive our evolution to meet the growing demand for our services.

You are passionate about mentoring younger ladies, what informed this?
My passion for mentoring younger ladies stems from a deep-seated belief in the power of mentorship to inspire, empower, and uplift others. I believe that every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances, has immense potential waiting to be unlocked. Through my own experiences and challenges, I have learned the value of having a mentor who can provide guidance, support, and encouragement. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experiences with younger ladies to help them navigate their own journeys, whether in spirituality, business, career, marriage, relationships, or other aspects of life. I want to empower them to overcome obstacles, achieve their goals, and fulfill their potential. Mentoring is not just about imparting knowledge; it’s about building meaningful relationships, fostering personal growth, and creating a positive impact that extends beyond the mentorship itself. I am driven by a desire to see young women succeed and thrive in all areas of their lives. By investing my time and energy into mentoring, I hope to inspire and empower the next generation of female leaders, helping them to realise their worth and reach their full potential.

You started out Grow With Renny (GWR) Conference now in its second edition, what stands out for you in your continuous drive to impact young women?
Witnessing the transformation of young women who attend the GWR Conference is what truly fuels my passion. Seeing them walk in brimming with potential, then leave empowered with the knowledge, connections, and strategies to navigate their journeys – that’s what makes this entire experience worthwhile. This year’s conference marks a significant milestone – the second edition. What stands out for me is the opportunity to build upon the momentum we created last year. We are continually seeking ways to refine the experience, bringing in even more inspiring industry leaders, expanding on relevant topics, and fostering a stronger sense of community amongst attendees. Last year, we got so many testimonials from attendees and knowing that the conference has helped young women gain confidence, overcome challenges, and pursue their dreams reinforces my commitment to continue this impactful work. Ultimately, my goal is to create a platform that equips young women with the tools and confidence they need to thrive. The Grow With Renny Conference is a powerful testament to the collective impact we can achieve when we come together, share our stories, and support each other’s dreams.

GWR this year will hold in different locations across Africa, tell us about it?
Yes. This year, GWR is expanding its reach by hosting events in different locations across Africa – Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, and Egypt. This expansion is an exciting development that will allow us reach a wider audience of young women and have an even greater impact. By expanding our reach, we hope to make the Grow With Renny experience more accessible to young women from diverse backgrounds and regions. Our goal is to empower and inspire as many young women as possible, helping them to unlock their full potential and achieve their goals. We are excited about this new chapter and look forward to making a positive impact in the lives of young women across Africa.

What is the future of GWR Conference?
The future of Grow With Renny is full of exciting possibilities. Our vision is to evolve beyond a conference and become a sustainable ecosystem that empowers young people throughout their journeys. One of our key aspirations is global expansion – we want to reach young women globally, in Africa and beyond. Imagine a future where GWR conferences inspire and connect young people across continents, that is the future we see. We also look forward to building a thriving GWR alumni network. This network would connect past attendees, fostering collaboration, and knowledge sharing, offering them continued support as they navigate their personal and professional journeys. This way, members of the GWR community will always have support and access to resources at all times.

What drives you?
What drives me is a deep passion for making a positive impact in the world. Whether it’s through my interior design business, my mentoring programmes, or my community development initiatives, I am driven by a desire to empower others and create meaningful change. I am also driven by a strong sense of purpose and a belief that I can make a difference. I am inspired by the potential of every individual to achieve greatness and by the opportunity to be a catalyst for their success. Overall, I have a deep-seated belief that we all have a God-given purpose in this world. I truly believe in the power of individuals and communities to create positive change and be a force for good in the world.

⁠In these dynamic times, what should women do differently to stay at the top of their chosen field?
Honestly, women in this generation are remarkable. Women are now braver, more educated, and know their worth. They are actively learning new skills and pursuing their dreams with unwavering determination. That said, times are changing so rapidly, and here are some of my additional thoughts to stay ahead of the curve. Staying relevant requires a commitment to lifelong learning. I believe that women should continuously seek out new knowledge, explore emerging trends, and hone their existing skills. It is also important for women to surround themselves with other inspiring and supportive women. Collaboration fosters innovation and opens doors to new opportunities. Building strong professional relationships can open doors to new opportunities and help women navigate challenges in their career. Don’t be afraid to say no. Learn when and how to push back against unreasonable demands or situations that hinder your progress. Own your voice, don’t be afraid to speak up and advocate for yourself. Finally, the world needs your unique perspective and skills. Don’t wait for someone to give you the green light – go out there and create your own opportunities.

How are you able to combine your many portfolios as an entrepreneur, mentor, boss, family woman and still be at your best?
Combining my roles as an entrepreneur, mentor, boss, and family woman requires careful planning, effective time management, and a strong support system. It requires a lot of juggling, but I find that each role informs and energises the others. I have some effective strategies that I constantly deploy to help me maintain balance and strive to be my best in all areas. First, prioritisation and planning is key. I prioritise tasks based on urgency and importance, ensuring I dedicate focused time to each role. This might involve scheduling specific blocks for mentoring sessions, client meetings, or family time.

Delegation is also very important. I have found that a lot of people think they have to always handle everything themselves but this will simply lead to burnout. As my business has grown, empowering a talented team has been crucial. I delegate tasks effectively, trusting my team’s expertise while providing guidance and support. This frees up my time to focus on strategic initiatives and creative endeavours. I also actively compartmentalise and maintain boundaries. While I’m always connected, I strive to compartmentalise my focus. When I’m with my family, I’m present and engaged, putting work aside. Similarly, when mentoring young women or leading my team, I give them my undivided attention. Finally, taking care of myself is non-negotiable. Whether it’s getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, or taking time off to travel with family and friends, I prioritise activities that recharge my batteries. A well-rested and rejuvenated me is better equipped to handle all my responsibilities effectively.

What is your life mantra?
Everything works together for my good.


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