Association urges members to make provision for succession plan

Monioluwa Osho

The Association of Professional Food Service Providers of Nigeria (APFSPN) has called on its members to collaborate to grow and sustain their businesses. They urged them to also provide adequate structures and make succession plans to elongate their businesses.

Speaking at the association’s yearly conference and induction in Lagos, tagged, ‘Best Practices of Succession Planning for Food Service Providers, Chairperson, APFSPN, Monioluwa Osho, said that collaboration would help put an end to business extinction, which is a major challenge faced in the industry.

She called on the members to embrace innovations in their businesses, and also adapt to national, regional and global circumstances.

“This year, we are focusing on succession planning, which is a strategy on its own with the sole aim of passing leadership roles down to employees or generations after. It is very key to our business as so many businesses are going into extinction because of zero strategy for succession planning,” she said.

A Mental Health Therapist, Adanze Osomonika, urged participants to pay attention to their mental health, adding that once long-lasting sadness or irritability, extremely high or low moods, excessive fear or worry is noticed, one’s mental health needs attention.

She urged them to take time out to rest yearly to relieve stress that usually comes with the profession, embark on constant check up and eat right.

“You have to be proactive about your health, be active about it. Go and check your health status, so that if there is something wrong, you can treat it.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Wine and Gold Catering, Deola Fadaze, urged participants to build reliable relationships and take advantage of accountants in their midst to set up structures so they could identify their profits, losses and opportunities.

She advised the inductees to search out mentorship and enjoy the process of growth, while forgoing ‘get rich quick’ desires.

APFSPN, whose core values are inclusiveness, professionalism, dedication to culinary arts and community involvement, is passionate about impacting its people, the government and environment.


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