Business Times to hit news stand

Newspapers at a newsstand in Nigeria.

A new newspaper, Business Times, with emphasis on reporting business activities and issues, has been introduced into the Nigerian market.

The promoters of the new publication said that the paper which will be digital in the first few weeks with print run introduced thereafter is out to provide an alternative perspective to reporting issues, especially on business and economy.

They said the newspaper though not associated with the defunct Times Business, a subsidiary of Daily Times. They said their Business Times is registered as a trademark.

One of the promoters, Dada Ajai-Ikhile, said the newspaper is a specialised newspaper to provide an alternative insight into business, financial and economic issues.

According to him, the medium is not out to compete or take the place of any publication in Nigeria or globally but to complement other media outfits by providing an alternative perspective.

Ajai-Ikhile stated that the medium is not going to be antagonistic in its operation but would celebrate excellence in different fields of endeavour and inspire people and businesses.

Also, one of the brains behind the project, Desmond Esorougwe, said readers will see the newspaper as a source of news and commentary on the world of finance and business.

He said the newspaper will concentrate on reporting on positive side of Nigeria, including providing positive sides to every decision or policy.


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