BVAS fails to accredit Osoba

BVAS Machine at polling unit

The All Progressives Congress (APC) National Leader and former Governor of Ogun State, Aremo Olusegun Osoba could not exercise his franchise after repeated failures of the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) machine deployed by the INEC to accredit him.

The former governor of the state initially arrived at the GRA venue of the presidential and National Assembly (NASS) at 11. a.m, made several efforts that would make him get accredited, but the BVAS machine repeatedly disappointed him as it would neither recognise his face, nor his fingerprints.

Even when he varied his positions and dressing by repeating the process with his cap on his head and without the cap on, the BVAS still would not recognize Osoba in all the instances, prompting him to leave the venue with a declaration that “I’m highly disappointed.”

Said he: “The BVAS again failed. I have been here twice and the BVAS cancelled my accreditation. This development can lead to the cancellation of a huge turnout of voters in this unit. It’s the same card used in 2019, election, in this same unit. It is sad.

“I feel very sad but encouraged by the huge turnout, particularly the aged, many of whom are above 70 and 80 years. The turnout means that the All Progressives Congress (APC) is poised for victory. I have courage in INEC, the issue is caused by technological failure, its only about three or four of us that have been unlucky, that’s not a major setback for INEC, definitely, they’ll do everything possible to ensure that the Information Technology centre makes are that the BVAS works better.”

Osoba, who expressed joy with the turnout, regretted that his local council, Obafemi/Owode experienced late arrival of election materials. “I am appealing to INEC to ensure that it extends the voting period in those places where the election started late”.

“In terms of peaceful conduct of the election and security, one is encouraged. I want to thank our people and congratulate them for their peaceful coexistence irrespective of whichever political party they are voting.”


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