Calls intensify for Sanwo-Olu to address water transportation in Lagos

Lagos State governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu. Photo: Punch

Lagos State residents are expressing growing frustration over unfulfilled electoral promises by Governor Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu regarding water transportation improvements and channelisation projects aimed at reducing flooding and enhancing connectivity within the state.

During his campaign for a second term, Sanwo-Olu committed to upgrading water transport facilities, particularly in areas like Mende, to facilitate easier access across the state’s waterways.

Yet, residents lament that not only have these projects not been realised, but existing efforts exhibit poor workmanship and slow progress, exacerbating fears of environmental and infrastructural neglect.

A local resident, Babalola Daramola, shared his concerns about the incomplete channelisation projects which could worsen the area’s vulnerability to flooding.

“The promises were plentiful during the campaigns, but the execution has been lacking. This neglect could lead to serious environmental hazards,” Daramola explained.

Similarly, another resident, Mrs. Ramota Raheem, voiced her disappointment over the sluggish pace and poor quality of the channelizmsation work, questioning the government’s commitment to fulfilling its promises.

“We have been praying for improved water transportation as promised by Governor Sanwo-Olu. Unfortunately, it seems we are far from seeing these benefits,” she said.

Investigations revealed that although some contractors are present on-site, their work lacks proper oversight, with minimal progress being made.

This has prompted residents and community leaders to demand more effective supervision and accountability from the Lagos State Ministry of Waterfront Infrastructures.

A community leader from Mende, requesting anonymity, criticised the slow implementation of the dredging and channelisation works which began in late 2023.

“Contractors arrived, but little has been done. We need regular inspections and immediate action to address these failings,” he urged.

The community’s plea extends to civil society groups and other governance advocates to join their call for prioritisation of water transportation systems and proper management of channelisation projects, crucial for mitigating flooding and improving daily life in Lagos State.


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