CAN condoles with ex-Gov Aliyu over mother’s demise

Former Niger State Governor, Babangida Aliyu

Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Niger State chapter, has condoled with the former governor of Niger, Muazu Babangida Aliyu over the passing of his mother.

Condoling the Aliyu family, yesterday, the Chairman, Rev (Dr) Bulus Yohanna urged humans to accept that “death is a destination we all must arrive at.”

Yohanna, who is the Catholic Bishop of Kontagora Diocese, made the assertion when he led his executive committee members to pay a condolence visit to the former governor.

Represented by his deputy, Rev Ezekiel Ibrahim, the CAN boss stated that the entire Christendom sympathised with the former governor.

He encouraged the former governor to take solace in the fact that his mother lived a good life and would be remembered for all her contributions to humanity.

While praying to God to grant her eternal rest and the entire family the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss, the cleric encouraged the former governor to accept the demise of his mother as an act of God.

Earlier, Aliyu had corroborated the CAN boss, adding: “Since we were born, we have been hearing about death, but nobody has died and come back to tell us, ‘This is how the after-life is’ except for the holy books of Qur’an and Bible, which assured us of life with our maker.”


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