Care for your child this rainy season

It is the rainy season again, which calls for special care and attention for children as they have tender skin and are more prone to infections like jaundice, typhoid, cholera and other gastrointestinal infections.

However, common cold and cough among kids are usual during the rainy season. Children are prone to these diseases as their immunity is low and they are also much more exposed to microorganisms than adults. Hence, it is important to give your child healthy foods that are rich in vitamin C and other foods, which will boost their immune system.
Ensure that your kids are fed with fresh, warm foods; leftovers shouldn’t be left uncovered. Also, make sure they don’t consume food that is not properly cooked. This season tends to attract infections due to improper hygiene conditions.
Your kids should only consume boiled, cooled water. This will further prevent infection, which can be commonly transmitted through unclean water. Fruits and vegetables should be more available for their consumption.
Keep your children’s room clean and dry, and of course, always maintain normal room temperature. Keep your house, surroundings clean to avoid mosquitoes breeding and do not let your kids play in the rain.
Give your child a bath during the hottest time of the day, but don’t use cold water as it might upset them; you can also add a few drops of antiseptic liquids in their bathwater. Ensure they have their bath once a day to prevent excessive exposure to cold. Keep your kids’ feet dry and warm all the time and make them wear slippers and socks inside the house. 
You can get them to wear cotton clothes when the weather is hot and humid; dress them in semi-woolen sort of fabrics when it’s raining and cold. Protect them from mosquito bites by dressing them in long pants and full-sleeved tops. Choose light coloured clothes as mosquitoes are attracted to dark colours; you can also choose to use mosquito repellents, but ensure they are safe for your children. Don’t forget to put them in a mosquito net while they are at sleep.
Make sure your kids do not play in stagnant and polluted water as it may lead to skin infections and other illnesses too. Playing in the rain is not a wise option; parents should ensure that they engage their kids in indoor activities more often with supervision.
More importantly, as the season requires, keep hands clean always. The nails are a major source of bacterial infection; hence your kids’ nails should be constantly trimmed and ensure they avoid the habit of biting their nails to keep infection at bay. As parents, you should maintain high personal hygiene this season so as to stay away from the hospital.


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