Love & Life - Page 12

Why more marriages break up – Counsellors

Some Nigerians have expressed worries at the rampant cases of broken homes and the effects on society. They are concerned that the current economic hardship may increase divorce and separation in the
2 days ago

How To Date Successfully

WHEN you date, you have a good chance of meeting the partner of your dream. That is the essence of dating-going out with someone who has attracted you and who you
9 years ago

The Right Man For You

THERE is a saying that goes thus: “If you have to force it or justify a relationship, then you probably shouldn’t be in it!” I always say it, but it is
9 years ago

Sex Without Scare

AS a Christian, whenever I talk about sex, I am conscious of the different opinion around this. And being a pastor for some time, I understand that what most of us term
9 years ago

Why Is Love So Hard?

THIS is a question that we have asked ourselves from time to time… Why is love so hard? I want you to think about every relationship you have had and look
9 years ago

Stop The Digging, Save Your Pet

THERE are two hobbies that cannot be kept together to wit- garden and pet keeping. In most homes with gardens and plants, where pets, like dogs, cats and to a little extent,
9 years ago

Attracting The Best Kind Of Love

I’M going to tell you a bit about my previous relationships. We all know that every relationship starts out great. Thing is, there was chemistry for a while, but then they declined
9 years ago