Gardening - Page 4

Grey house

Some call it the tones of exterior wall luxury, far from the loudness of bright shades, or the lurking and drowning moodiness of overly dark ones, a grey tones house exterior is a
2 months ago

No Dig Gardening

Everyone agrees that gardening would be more fun, and many people would be more inclined to take up gardening if there wasn’t the need for all that back-breaking, hard work such as

Non-Chemical Weeding

THE gardener’s versus weeds battle happens every season but it is not just for aethestics. A garden bed full of weeds leaves little nutrients and space for the plants you actually want

“Make Your Bed”

MAKE your bed” is one of the statements that we each must have heard a million times as kids. As gardeners though, this simple phrase has a different meaning. “Make your bed”
9 years ago

Beds And Borders

IN a gardening dictionary one can imagine the first word is likely to be garden. After which the following words would be “beds” and borders. Why? It’s impossible to have a beautiful

Backyard Medicine

BEFORE you open your medicine cabinet, you might want to look in your backyard. The remedy you need for your aches and pains, cuts and burns, disease and infections may be found

Gardens As Medicine

Healing Gardens And Therapeutic Horticulture Nature In Hospitals In Europe, in the middle ages, the first hospitals were in monastic communities, where gardens played an essential role in the healing process.