Wellness - Page 20

Year 2024
Evaluate your goals for the second half of the year 2024. Photo - Pexels / Boris Pavlikovsky

Standing On Business: Make The Rest Of The Year Count

What better time to review that “new year resolution” than the second half of the year? We’re halfway through the year 2024. At the start of the year, we all set goals
3 days ago

Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate

It’s rich, yummy and sweet in moderation, chocolate is good for everyone. Chocolate is made from tropical Theobroma cacao tree seeds. Theobroma Cacao, the Latin name for chocolate, means “Food of the Gods”.
9 years ago

Is Catfish Healthy Or Harmful?

Nigerian Catfish Pepper Soup (popularly known as Point & Kill) is one of the ultimate comfort Nigerian food that is usually eaten at exclusive Nigerian bars and restaurants, its delicacy is irresistible
9 years ago

5 Healthy Reasons To Eat An Apple Today

Carved and shaped like the heart, colourful and beautiful, sweet and irresistible taste, delicious and crunchy, apple fruit is one of the most popular and favorite fruits, most  people love apples. Do we
9 years ago

Treatments And Causes Of Snoring

Sweet dreams are everyone’s desire, but very difficult to acquire when you find it hard to breathe or your partner is snoring loudly all night. Snoring can disrupt your partners sleep. Snoring
9 years ago

5 STDs People Generally Ignore

Thanks to social media’s takeover of most of our lives, and the growing popularity of hook-up apps like Tinder, casual sex has become a lot more convenient. You can arrange sexual congress
9 years ago

Hair Care During Harmattan

Hi guys. Today it’s all about harmattan and our hair. So we all know that the season is, dry and dusty. Cold too. This is not good for our natural hair. It
9 years ago