Letters - Page 78

EFCC on Eagle’s wings

SIR: It is a known fact that when you fight corruption, corruption fights back – or how do we explain the recent fraud of a protest supposedly organised by some civil society
9 years ago

Prof. Osinbajo is playing politics

SIR: What can one list as Nigeria’s economic priorities at this moment? Many states owe their workers many months of unpaid salaries and allowances. The salaries and allowances of regularly paid workers
9 years ago

Walmart is coming to Nigeria

SIR: To our folks in Nigeria and in the Diaspora, Walmart is a successful retailer not only in the United States but globally. The company’s management intuitively must have seen the competitiveness
9 years ago

Making The Igbo Pay

Sir: The poet said that love may be blind but the world could see. President Buhari may be earnest in his desire to change the country but his decisions, so far, are
9 years ago

Buhari may not redeem Nigeria

SIR: Why are Nigerian rulers, President Buhari inclusive, the Senate and the House of Representatives dodging the question of how Nigeria arrived at a point where the Boko Haram community that started
9 years ago

Obama turns 54

SIR: Dear Mr. President, I do not envy you as a custodian of the most difficult job in the world. Your personality and how you handle difficult situations are what remotely corded
9 years ago
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