Letters - Page 79

Customs has done well

SIR: Kindly allow me a space to commend the leadership and management of Nigeria Customs Service particularly the former Joint Committee of Commerce (JCC)
9 years ago

APC state shifted paradigm

SIR: The government of Governor AbdulFatah Ahmed, Kwara State, has been announcing a new tax regime, not so much about tax increase, but to ensure that all who should pay, pay,
9 years ago

Enough of our naughtiness, folks

SIR: Bigoted sentiments are what we see and read daily on social media, even those people you expect on all sides to unite and fight our common enemy – corruption – create
9 years ago

EFCC and the Lamido saga

SIR: There is a saying that only a tree with ripe fruits attracts stones, this goes to say that it is only an effective endeavour that attracts criticism. The Economic and Financial
9 years ago

Making A Soldier A Democrat

Sir: Democracy could borrow strict adherence to orderliness of the military occasionally to strengthen its institutions. This is by no means to suggest the superiority of a military regime to democratic dispensation.
9 years ago

Nigerian youths everywhere but nowhere

SIR: Any nation that denies its young population the necessary support and an enabling environment to contribute their quota in this digital era may continue to have them dominate everywhere but nowhere.
9 years ago

Buhari is backsliding

SIR: I was one among the people that got tired of the administration of the former President Goodluck Jonathan and thereafter, I have advocated for the alteration of his leadership and strongly
9 years ago
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