World - Page 1369

This picture taken from northern Israel shows an Israeli Air Force fighter jet flying over the border area with south Lebanon on July 7, 2024, amid ongoing cross-border clashes between Israeli troops and Hezbollah fighters. (Photo by Jalaa MAREY / AFP)

Gaza battles rage as mediators push for truce deal

Heavy battles raged in Gaza City on Monday as Hamas and Israel staked their claims ahead of truce talks, with Israeli protesters rallying for a hostage release deal. Mediators Egypt and Qatar
1 hour ago

MPs: Ban fracking to meet carbon targets

AN influential committee of MPs has called for a moratorium on fracking on the grounds that it could derail efforts to tackle climate change. The government’s drive for shale gas should be
9 years ago

£2.9b children fund inaccessible in UK

BILLIONS of pounds owed in child maintenance may never be recovered, government accounts show. The money is owed by absent parents who have been referred to the Child Support Agency. Accounts prepared
9 years ago

Ukrainian fresh crisis claims 30, injures 95

TENSION is again mounting in Ukraine after a weekend rocket assault on the strategic government-held port city of Mariupol that left 30 dead and 95 injured, as separatists threatened a new offensive.
9 years ago