World - Page 1375

This picture taken from northern Israel shows an Israeli Air Force fighter jet flying over the border area with south Lebanon on July 7, 2024, amid ongoing cross-border clashes between Israeli troops and Hezbollah fighters. (Photo by Jalaa MAREY / AFP)

Gaza battles rage as mediators push for truce deal

Heavy battles raged in Gaza City on Monday as Hamas and Israel staked their claims ahead of truce talks, with Israeli protesters rallying for a hostage release deal. Mediators Egypt and Qatar
2 hours ago

Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah dies

SAUDI King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz has died in hospital, royal officials have announced. A statement early on Friday said his half brother, Salman, had become king. Before the announcement, Saudi television cut
9 years ago

Oil surges after Saudi King’s death

OIL prices surged Friday following the death of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah, with investors watching to see if his successor will maintain production levels in the face of a global supply glut.
9 years ago

Yemen’s president, PM resign

YEMEN’SPresident Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi and his Prime Minister, Khaled Baha, have resigned, officials said. Yemen has reached “total deadlock,” President Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi said in a resignation letter to parliament on Thursday
9 years ago

Clock ticking for Japanese hostages

THE CLOCK was ticking Thursday, towards a deadline imposed by Islamist militants threatening to kill two Japanese nationals unless Tokyo pays a $200 million ransom. Japanese government said it was working
9 years ago

Liberia cremates 2,800 Ebola bodies

LIBERIAN government said 2,800 Ebola bodies have so far been cremated following the outbreak of the deadly virus. Ciatta Bishop, Head of the National Ebola Burial Team, disclosed on Thursday, in Monrovia,
9 years ago