Catholic Clerics, Knights Warn Youths Against Abortion

church- image source donjuanbeachresort
church- image source donjuanbeachresort

NIGERIAN youths have been urged to pursue chastity in their daily lives in order to avoid the twin evil of unwanted pregnancy and abortion.

The Chaplain of the Marian Shrine of the Catholic Archdiocese of Lagos, Monsignor Philip Hoteyin, made the call recently at the 2015 edition of the yearly ‘Prolife Vigil In Reparation For Abortion’ organised by the Family and Human Life Unit of the Catholic Archdiocese of Lagos in collaboration with The Order of the Knights of St. Mulumba, Lagos Metropolitan Council.

The event, which was in its fifth edition, was held under the theme: “The Family Fully Alive, Our Mission Is Love”, at the Marian Shrine in Maryland.

Hoteyin urged Nigerians, especially youths, to be worthy of emulation in their daily lives. He restated the Catholic Church’s position that abortion is unacceptable, noting that since human beings cannot create life, they should destroy or abort it.

In his special message to the Catholic faithful during the vigil, the Catholic Archbishop of Lagos, Most Rev. Alfred Adewale Martins, prayed God to “give our leaders the insight and courage to make laws that will protect human dignity and right to life; open the eyes of those who practice and promote abortion to see the evil of abortion; help them to realise that their hearts are far from you; call them to repentance and forgiveness; and give them courage to turn away from this grave sin and uphold the dignity of human life.”

Coordinator, Archdiocesan Office of Family and Human Life, Mrs. Bridget Itsueli, in her remarks, noted: “Abortion and the contraceptive mentality are part of the culture of death. It is now time to think about our contributions to ensuring that more women and their men find pro-life solutions to the issues of abortion and contraceptive. This must start from the home.”

Explaining the rationale behind the Annual Vigil, Deputy Metropolitan Grand Knight of KSM, Lagos Metro, Mr William Adebisi, premised it on the need to underscore the evil of abortion. He enjoined youths to live a chaste life and not give in to peer pressure that has the tendency of misleading them.

