Causes, remedies of political thuggery

Political Thuggery

Sir: The menace of political thuggery has been in existence for a long time as it has become a threat to Nigeria’s progress. It came to public notice during 2003 elections. Sponsored thugs unleashed rancor by victimising, intimidating and injuring innocent individuals and weak politicians without sanctions in the aftermath.

That was why Howell (2004) says ‘‘when politics is criminalised, it is left in the hands of ruffians, thugs and hooligans because the good people are scared away.’’ Nigeria still has elements of such derisive minds as leaders; they mute critics, disturb happiness, cause tension, abort dreams and destroy determinations of fellow human beings through sponsorship of political thugs.

Leaders should be acting like drivers that move citizens from the darkness of challenges to the glowing light of transitory developments, but unfortunately, bad leaders in democratic settings have taken over by diverting funds meant for projects and recruiting youths under their watch to be wrecking havocs. They send their children to the best schools overseas while acting passively to lingering institutional strikes at home.

Hospitals, especially in rural areas, lack proper medications and residents find it hard to access them due to existence of bad roads. Negligence of leaders and egocentrism have led to the emergence of political thugs called Kalare in Gombe, Yan Daba in Kano State, they are named Sara-Suka in Bauchi, referred to Ecomog in Borno and in Lagos State they are called Area Boys.

The thugs are like flute in the hands of the owner who could force them to sound (act) purposely to satisfy whims and caprices. The sad part is that those politicians are not involving their sons and daughters in such devilish activities and minds of thugs could not revolt against the wills of their masters. Bad leaders play vital roles in fueling political thuggery especially before, during and after elections; they pay irresponsible youths hugely to effectualise their missions. Core causes of political thuggery include unemployment; it is capable of making idle youths do anything to earn money not minding the consequences of such actions. Unemployed youths are like cats that obey to be fed; they become susceptible to thuggery. Inactive security also contributes to political thuggery. This is due to failure of governments to provide necessary security for the people. Other causes are unofficial immunity for political leaders, unwillingness to relinquish power and corruption in the polity.

Electoral bodies should be independent from the ruling government’s control, it must be conducting free, fair and credible elections which might give hope to eligible persons irrespective of tribe or religion and that would put an end to the era of family politics or Godfatherism.
Mukhtar Garba Kobi wrote from Bauchi.


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