CCD tasks NEMA, others on risk reduction, prompt response for PWDs

David Anyaele

The Centre for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) has tasked the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), states, and local councils on adequate measures to reduce disaster risk caused by climate change for Persons With Disabilities (PWDs).

Executive Director, CCD, David Anyaele, gave the charge, yesterday, during a media briefing in Lagos on a matter of urgency and significance for PWDs on impending flooding in some parts of the country.

Anyaele said despite calls by the disability community on disaster risk reduction and prompt response, most states’ emergency management agencies had failed to adequately plan or include PWDs in the development and implementation of national and local strategies.

“If adequate care is not taken to address issues before hand, most PWDs will lose their lives and property,” he said.

The executive director said local and state governments should consider PWDs in prone-flooding areas to ensure prompt response when disaster occurs.

Besides, he said the agencies should take adequate measures to ensure that relief materials for displaced persons are distributed without discrimination against persons living with disabilities.

Anyaele, therefore, urged the National Assembly and Houses of Assembly to demand accountability from the federal and states’ emergency agencies on their preparedness, provisions made to accommodate and ensure PWDs are protected before, during and after flood disasters in the country.

Also, Local Government Chairman, Nigeria Association for the Blind, Isaac Anuoluwa-Yinka, said flooding affects not just the disability community but can lead to disability.

“NEMA is trying but we want it to focus more on the disability community and vulnerable, as it is not easy for PWDs to scale through during disasters,” he said.


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