Centre slams Tinubu for excluding women from advisory council 


Exclusion of women and youths from the Economic Advisory Council recently set up by President Bola Tinubu has been described as a huge flaw that should be urgently reconsidered.

Centre for 21st Century Issues (C21ST), which expressed serious concerns over the composition, said the exclusion of a critical segment of Nigerians raises doubts on the government’s readiness to find lasting solutions to Nigeria’s economic challenges.

In a statement yesterday, the centre’s Executive Director, Titilope Akosa, said the step was retrogressive and unacceptable, adding that the critical constituencies of the society should not be left out of such a platform of national importance.

She said: “While respecting the President’s prerogative in selecting advisors, it is essential to demand the inclusion of women and youths in the economic advisory council as a demonstration of the commitment to genuinely address the economic challenges.

“We contend that the critical constituencies of the society should not be left out of such a platform of national importance; particularly considering the roles Nigerian women and youths have played and continue to play in the areas of entrepreneurship and as well as in changing the narratives of leadership and governance at national and international levels.”

Akosa said it considered it pertinent to alert the President that Nigerians expect new ideas and innovations rather than mere revisionism if the much-needed impetuses for stimulating economic growth and inclusive prosperity are to be enhanced.

“Thus, realising that Economic Advisory Committee was set up to offer solutions to the ramified economic challenges that has increased the levels of multi-dimensional poverty and miseries in the country, we expect that critical constituencies including platforms of women and youth that constitutes growing numbers of entrepreneurs in the country ought to be included to avail the president, as well as the government the opportunity to holistically and robustly respond to the yearnings and aspirations of the people.

“We would therefore, enjoin Mr President to urgently redress the anomaly in the composition of the Economic Advisory Council to pave the way for an inclusive engagement at such a critical platform aimed at resuscitating the ailing economy,” she said.


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